Case Report
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common tumor of the hand.However, treatment of these malignancies is not always straightforward.
Rare anatomic finding of extensive thebesian veins draining into the left ventricle causing acute coronary syndrome in a symptomatic patient with elevated troponin labs and ischemic EKG changes.
Meckel’s diverticulum is a rare congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, typically asymptomatic, and found incidentally when clinicians work up a patient for an unrelated abdominal pathology, such as appendicitis.
Case of a male in their early 30’s with a history of left sided spastic hemiparesis and unilateral vocal fold paresis which resulted in supraglottic burns.
Myocardial bridges are suspected to be adjuvant of Kounis syndrome, which is defined as an acute coronary syndrome caused by an allergic reaction.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most common liver malignancies in the United States. As a paraneoplastic syndrome, hypercalcemia has been less often reported.
Snoring is a very common complaint presented to most primary care physicians and especially otolaryngologists. This case report describes a rare cancerous entity presenting in an uncommon location.
A Caucasian female in her late forties presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with headache, ataxia, and mental status changes.
Acne fulminans (AF) is a rare and highly inflammatory severe form of acne most commonly seen in adolescent males.