Quality Improvement/Patient Safety
An ED resident believed ED patients, who needed a simple laceration repair, would be better served if the ED used a laceration cart for supplies.
The educational initiative instructed emergency medicine physicians in metrics measured in the SEP-1 bundle as well as proper use of the newly designed Sepsis Macro and Sepsis Order Set.
Patients requiring endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in the emergency department (ED) are critically ill, and their ventilator management is crucial for their subsequent clinical outcomes
Of the over 300,000 annual sudden cardiac arrest events occurring outside of US 50 hospitals, only approximately one in four victims receive bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (BCPR)
The overall goal of this quality improvement project was to examine the familiarity and interest of allopathically-trained residents and attendings with osteopathic medicine before and after an educational workshop.
During the past two decades, bedside ultrasound has revolutionized the practice of emergency medicine.
Inaccurate and incomplete imaging order information presented to interpreting radiologists is a persistent problem in many radiology settings.
Well established in the Emergency Department (ED) literature is that the most important factor in decreasing subsequent infection rate in open fractures is the time to first administration of antibiotics.
Trauma patients frequently represent a unique and challenging patient population in emergency medicine care settings. The policy of the McLaren Oakland Emergency Department (ED) is to have the...